Proven Optics Solutions for the Public Sector

Our ServiceNow Scoped Applications:

  • Public Sector Budget Formulation and Execution

    Create, manage and track budget line terms seamlessly purpose-built for Federal accounting lifecycles of Budgeting, Committing, Obligating, and Spending on the ServiceNow platform.

    • Automate & streamline budget data capture process
    • Incorporate tiered, automated approval workflows
    • Manage color of money in real-time
    • Tie budget execution data to your budget line items
  • Public Sector TBM Cost Model

    Service-based costing that enables next generation TBM Cost Modeling for IT Leaders to drive strategic decision-making capabilities and better business outcomes.

    • OOTB, prescriptive TBM Cost Models
    • Easy Unit Cost calculation
    • Actuals vs Budget Cost Modeling
    • Streamlined setup to configure your allocations and mappings to provide IT leaders with strategic, actionable insights
  • Invoicing

    System generated invoices can be created within ServiceNow to provide chargeback capabilities to consumers. The App calculates recovery amount using a unit cost and units consumed to produce a physical invoice.

    • Automate invoice gen/distribution
    • Invoice monthly, quarterly, annually
    • Invoice based on budget, actuals, or rates and consumption
    • Set rates independent of cost model
    • Rates calculated by TBM App can be used by invoicing app
  • Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC)

    The Proven Optics CPIC application automates Agency CPIC processes and submissions. From gathering investment data to reviewing and submitting it to OMB, this application streamlines key CPIC processes. The CPIC application allows for easy updates for evolving OMB requirements AND allows for Agency specific modification! Simplify, automate, and govern your CPIC processes today!

    Key Features:

    • Enables the capture of data for the Federal IT Budget and Capital Planning process
    • Forms and tables set up to mimic the requirements from Federal OMB Submission Guidelines
    • Portal-enabled to provide a user-friendly interface