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Auto-Compliance and Actionable Data for Micro-Purchase and Simplified Acquisitions

Actus is a fully paperless Procurement Automation Management Platform which relieves administrative burden and provides actionable data for 95% of your agency’s transactions of Simplified Acquisitions and below.  Actus excels at end-to-end management and governance of P.O. approval workflow activities under the threshold including all P-Card procurements for goods and services.

The Actus workflow framework applies automations to guide acquisitions effortlessly, including transparent, auditable accountability in Micro-Purchase activity. Advanced data capture and Robotic Process Automations lift burdens from buyers, approvers, finance managers and auditors while elevating transparency down to item level detail. Verified FPDS Level III procurement data and audit assurance are now available for your acquisition programs.

Learn more about Actus on the FedRAMP Marketplace[/sub-heading] Actus is an automated, FedRAMP-compliant COTS SaaS platform from Paperless Innovations. Our highly customizable platform aggregates structured data enabling automated workflows, compliance to policy and law, and agency-specific oversight requirements including:

  • Frictionless workflows and digital document management
  • Smart reconciliation submission and statement approval
  • Audit transactions daily, weekly, or monthly before bill pay
  • Maximize SmartPay rebates by paying daily with confidence

Actus paperless workflow automation is a best practice for the elimination of telephone, spreadsheet, and manual data entry.