Customer Experience & Engagement, HR and Training Technology

Following the Funding of Innovation in Customer Experience

In the world of business, methodology is always changing along with users. While this innovation can be expensive, it is vital that agencies move alongside the private sector with technology implementation and customer service standards. At Carahsoft’s 2023 Government Customer Experience and Engagement Summit, panelists discussed ways to cut costs and foster innovation.

Innovating to Maintain Pace with Customer Needs

When a business works with clients, most of its focus will naturally be on the customer experience (CX). What was a revolutionary addition in the past, may be an expected feature in the present. As a result, agencies need to continually adapt and grow. Technology can be used to spearhead that innovation. Many people who interface with Government systems are also Government employees, so quality software is vital both internally and externally.

Carahsoft Customer Experience Engagement Summit Part 4 Blog Embedded Image 2023Agencies should design interfaces with CX at the forefront. Professionals, such as designers, whose job is to understand how users adapt to natural patterns in software, should have a seat at the table to help integrate new features. This way, new technology is as easy to understand as possible, by as many people as possible. Allowing users to get involved in iterative cycles as updates are added will allow agencies to evolve their solutions as they go. By following previous successes, the overall user experience will improve.

The speed and agility of technology and service systems is one vital component. Both customers and employees will grow frustrated with slow, out of date technology and appreciate Government initiative for agile development. By rolling out iterative cycles during changes, users have the opportunity to evolve with solutions.

Cost Effective Service

Public agencies have been advocating for more funding to keep pace with the financial challenge of customer service. The current presidential administration has issued several executive orders that promote enhancing customer service and experience in the public sphere including additional funding for agencies to implement those upgrades. However, acquiring these funds requires having modern and secure technology and technical strategy already executed in an agency. Although implementing modern technology and the securest cybersecurity strategies can be expensive, it will help agencies save costs down the road.

If agencies do not qualify for Government funding, there are additional initiatives they can implement in the meantime. Agencies can partner with technology vendors to develop solutions that will improve CX. By leveraging existing data, such as data from performance.gov or analytics.usa.gov, agencies can figure out ways to improve customer service. Paying attention to internal service metrics such as the number of closed cases, time to close cases, success rate and satisfaction level can illustrate how well a company is performing with CX before reviews come in. Agencies can decrease helpdesk wait times and lower costs by focusing on self-remediation. Through championing these efforts alongside quality partners and vendors, agencies can view CX problems through different lenses, leading to the best possible process. Agencies can also utilize pilot programs to test situations out before implementing them and affecting both employees and users. Technology should be used to positively influence user behavior. By guiding a wide variety of customers through services with simple, easy to understand instructions, agencies can help both customers and employees which will keep wait times down and save money.


Read the previous blog and check back soon to read the rest of Carahsoft’s insights from CX industry thought leaders at the summit.

To learn more about the latest in the CX landscape and how Carahsoft’s industry-leading partners can support your Customer Experience initiatives, please visit our resource hub to access all on demand recordings and information from the 2023 Government Customer Experience and Engagement Summit.

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