Customer Experience & Engagement

Modernizing Your Agency to Improve Customer Experience

What is Customer Experience within the Government?

In 2022, the Federal Computer Week (FCW) and Carahsoft joined to create the Government Customer Experience and Engagement Summit. This compilation of government-focused sessions included twelve keynotes, panels, and presentations that discussed data, personalization, executive orders, technology, and acquisition within the lens of improving customer service in the federal sphere. Customer experience is a vital part of federal services, as the government exists to serve the people. As a result, it is the job of federal, state and local agencies to continually strive for enhanced customer service. Customer experience can be examined from two primary points of views. First, from a broader perspective, where the government must work to provide customers with accessible and fulfilling facilities. Second, from an internal perspective, where the government must ensure that its staff are properly equipped to efficiently aid customers. Ultimately, improved customer experience can be fulfilled when technology is used in agencies to adapt them to a modern realm.

Technology Paving the Way in Stellar Customer Experience

In a world where technology is integrated with nearly every facet of life, the government must accurately and efficiently utilize technology to improve technological access to services. One important initiative is maximizing mobile services. Since a large portion of the government audience accesses features through mobile devices. This audience segment can include younger customers or those who are on-the-go. However, as culture shifts towards an increased usage of technology with instantaneous access, the public’s desire to navigate government services on mobile devices will increase. Platforms with both mobile and desktop accessibility and security features are prime examples of tools that federal, state, and local can utilize to help customers gain quick access to information. Services that bridge the digital divide between hardware not only unite a wide range of customers but can easily bring government providers and customers together. Other helpful services include government websites like Login.gov. This website aims to provide information on government services in a readily accessible way. Login.gov is on track to be used by the IRS for broader authentication, making it a secure hub for all users.

Carahsoft CX Summit Series Blog Embedded Image 2022A second important initiative is the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF), a government action plan intended to provide funding to accelerate technology projects in federal agencies, which has a resource pool of millions of dollars. The TMF will support specific investments and projects benefitting multiple agencies, address shared problems and increase education on technological prowess. However, even if an agency is not accepted by the TMF for additional funding, employees within the TMF and General Services Administration still hope to help agencies gather resources and learning connections with other government agencies. Ultimately, its goal is to support every agency in gaining resources and connections to improve their technology and better serve government customers.

Modernizing Customer Service

Customer service methods and services must be adapted to solve modern world challenges. Within federal, state and local governments, if a service is not helpful for its intended user group, the customer experience will remain suboptimal. Therefore, it is imperative that employees implement projects with competence that understand their customers’ needs and gain consumer trust.

To improve customer experience, agencies must ensure they are working with customers with an emphatic and diverse lens, so that every individual’s goal is met. Part of this goal includes focusing on a broader, more simple solution. Since it is inefficient for the government to aid every single customer individually, agencies must focus on providing a unilateral, standardized solution that adequately addresses the variety of diverse scenarios.

When modernizing the process in this way, agencies have several questions to considered to optimize the work process both digitally and in-person:

  • What problem needs to be solved?
    • Which tool(s) best fits that need?
    • What structure works best?
    • What acquisition style works best?
  • What steps can we take to improve workflow?
  • How can we deliver solutions in the swiftest way possible?
  • How can agencies broaden their solutions to aid more of the general public?

Utilizing a straightforward portfolio with government employees will help organize efforts online and in the office. In creating an efficient modernization process, the internal workforce will provide more optimal tools for the customer base. After considering the diverse customer base and modern environment, this strategy will greatly improve customer experience.

Customer Experience in the Modern World

Ultimately, federal agencies must figure out how to meet the needs of government customers to deliver the best possible experience for them. To do this, agencies must take into account the wide and varied needs of their consumer base. Between a diverse customer base, encompassing technology, and a modern workforce, federal, state and local governments can maneuver their services to provide an exceptional customer experience.


View the Government Customer Experience and Engagement Summit sessions to learn more about interpreting customer data and implementing modern technology to enhance agency customer service.

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